The most frequently-used databases
This is one of SFCC's most commonly used databases and includes over 1,300 journals, more than 75,000 videos from the Associated Press.
The definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index. Providing access to over 1,700 active full-text journals covering over 50 nursing specialties. Additionally, it features full-text quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, continuing education modules, nursing instructional videos, and more.
Journals, images, ebooks, primary sources.
Over 20,000 viewpoints, approximately 19,000 reference articles, interactive maps, and infographics, students will be prepared to argue any side of the issue.
Contains practice tests, self-directed tutorials, microlessons, e-books, articles and flashcards to help students: build foundational college skills, prepare for placement tests, acquire basic computer skills, prepare for grad school entrance exams, explore vocations, and much more.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Thousands of multidisciplinary e-books from more than 90 of the best university presses from around the world. Covering a variety of subjects, this e-book collection offers titles that range from basic introductory texts to high-level research materials.
Collection includes thousands of high-quality e-books on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.