The Library is using a new Ebsco Discovery Search Box. We think you're going to like this search experience where finding and accessing the highest-quality content is simple. Start your next search at the Library homepage or on the Library tab in Jack. If you have questions or feedback about the new search box, please let us know. Contact us at 505-428-1352 or
However, if you preferred the WorldCat Discovery Search Box you can still use it through this guide. Both search boxes provide a single search to get more comprehensive results from the Library's physical and online collections.
Please visit our public home page for access to our electronic resources.
Monday - Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 2pm
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED
CLOSED: Dec. 21 - Jan 5
Email us:
Contact the Library's Front Desk at (505) 428-1352. Ask a research question at (505) 428-1234.
The library follows the SFCC campus closure schedule. If the campus is closed, the library is also closed.