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Diversity, Poverty, and Student Success: Videos

Click through the tabs to access useful books, articles, websites, and more related to a variety of diversity topics. We hope the resources inspire you by showing historical contexts, multiple cultural perspectives, and reliable information to help you.


'Ask Me': What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know
"The federal law known as Title IX is meant to protect students from discrimination based on their gender identity. But many gay, lesbian, and transgender students say they face an array of challenges and safety issues on their campuses. The Chronicle interviewed more than a dozen of them to hear more about what keeps them from thriving in college."

What Makes A College LGBTQ Friendly? | Introducing Campus Pride
"We caught up with Founder and Director, Shane Windmeyer to discuss Campus Pride’s work on inclusive schools for LGBTQ college students. Shane breaks down what Campus Pride examines when determining what makes a college LGBTQ friendly and what to look out for when attending colleges as and LGBT student."

A Living History of the LGBT Movement Since The 1800s
In collaboration with AARP, we present "A #LivingHistory of the LGBT Movement" powered by AARP - a storytelling series honoring past, present and future heroes of the LGBT movement. We know that the history of the LGBT movement is still being written. By understanding our history, we can create a better future for everyone, especially for our aging LGBT older adults. Learn More at

Wanda Sykes Takes Us Through the History of LGBTQ+ — Now You Know
"Have you ever wondered about the beginnings of homosexuality? Get to know a little bit about the fight for equality as Wanda Sykes takes us on a journey all the way back to the Middle Ages. Now, in 2019, we get to celebrate moments like Pride Month in June and Transgender Awareness Week in November."

How Stonewall Became Famous | Op-Docs

Advice for LGBTQ+ Teens
"You are valid and loved and exactly who you are whether you're visible or not." 5 amazing LGBTQ+ people share their coming out advice.

The new frontier of LGBTQ civil rights, explained
"The Supreme Court expanded marriage equality across the US. But that doesn't mean LGBTQ people have equal rights yet."

What Does "Two-Spirit" Mean? | InQueery | them.
"Geo Neptune explores the history of the term "Two-Spirit" and who it pertains to. Does it mean two genders? Can anyone use it to describe themselves? InQueery is the series that takes a deeper look at the meaning, context, and history of LGBTQ+ vocabulary and culture. Powered by Google."

Also check out these YouTube channels...

TEDTalks: Samy Nour Younes—A Short History of Trans People's Long Fight for Equality
"Transgender activist and TED Resident Samy Nour Younes shares the remarkable, centuries-old history of the trans community, filled with courageous stories, inspiring triumphs -- and a fight for civil rights that's been raging for a long time. "Imagine how the conversation would shift if we acknowledge just how long trans people have been demanding equality," he says."

Our Tomorrows: Teenagers Around The World Share Their Fears And Dreams
"Young people talk about how it feels to grow up in 2018, from dealing with racism in New York and fighting for LGBT rights in Jakarta to facing exam pressures in the Kenyan Rift Valley and the importance of giving back to society in Delhi."

Gender Fluidity
""Lisa Ling explores the revolution going on in how we think about genders. She meets individuals across the spectrum who are seeking acceptance from those closest to them."

DVDs at the SFCC Library

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