Sharing images with your students is incredibly helpful in the learning experience and is easy to do in ARTstor!
You must be signed into Artstor to share folders that you have created. To create a sign in please visit the Library tab in Jack, find Artstor in the upper right hand corner and register at Arstor. To obtain instructor privileges, please contact Peg Johnson ( with the email you used to register.
You can create a folder for the class or for any grouping (e.g Line drawings, Renassaince Art, Painting I). Only folders, not image groups, can be shared or kept private.
To create a new folder click on Share then Create folder.
Name your folder, then click Next.
Choose who you want to see the folder (choose Everyone at my institution if you want to share with students) and click Next.
Choose who can edit the folder and click Next.
You should get a notice that the folder was created successfully. Click Finished.
Select the Organize tab and Open image group to open an existing image group in your private work folder.
Once opened, click Organize then Save image group as.
Highlight and open the folder you just created for the class (e.g. Drawing 1) and enter the image group name. Click Submit. You will then have a copy of the folder in your private work area and in the public area which anyone from the institution should be able to see. Students will need to create a login in for Artstor on campus and then they will be able to access off campus.