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Document Formatting Guide: Office 365

How to set hanging indents, margins, etc.

Office 365

What is Office 365?

It's a cloud-based software product provided by Microsoft that allows you to create documents in Word, Excel and several other Microsoft Suite products.

Is it free? Do I have to buy it?

It's free. (Provided through the college to current students, faculty and staff.) No purchase necessary. 


How do I start using it?

If you're on campus you can just log into any campus computer, then log into MySFCC. (Scroll down until you see the Office 365 icon.) If you want it installed on your laptop, computer or other device to use off-campus (home, etc.), you'll need to download and install it. Again, it's free. It's provided through SFCC's Office of Information Technology. 


Does Office 365 play nice with Canvas? Can I upload/submit an Office 365 document to Canvas?

Yes. In fact, OIT is encouraging all students to use Office 365.   

Do I need convert an Office 365 document to Word? 

No. A Word document created using Office 365 is an actual Word document. It's basically the same thing, just the free, cloud version of Word. 

Still Have questions? Email us

...Save your work a spell-check and word count ...share a document with someone
...set a hanging indent ...insert a page-break ...give your file a name
...set line spacing ...insert page numbers and Headers  
...set / adjust margins ...give the document a name  

...Save your work
There is no need to save your work. It is saved automatically as you edit.


...create a hanging indent

  1. Highlight all of your citations.
  2. Click these 3 dots.  
  3. Rest your cursor over Special Indent and select Hanging. 



...set line spacing

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Click these 3 dots.  
  3. Rest your cursor over Line Spacing and select the desired spacing. 


...set / adjust margins

  1. Highlight the text you want to change.
  2. Click Layout, then click Margins. 
  3. You can select a pre-set margin or you can customize it by clicking Custom margins. a spell-check and word count

SPELL-CHECK: Click the Review tab, then Spelling & Grammar, then Spelling

WORD COUNT: Click the Review tab, then Word Count.  

If there's only a portion of text you're checking, just highlight that text, then follow the steps above. 


...insert a page-break

  1. Click your cursor in the place where you want the page break to occur. 
  2. Click the Insert tab, then Page Break. 


...insert page numbers and Headers

PAGE NUMBERS: Click the Insert tab, then Page Numbers. Select the one that shows where you want the page number to be. 

HEADER Click the Review tab. Click Insert, then Header & Footer.  


...give the document a name / title

  1. If you have not given your document a title yet, your document will say Document1 at the top. Click on those words and they will be highlighted.
  2. You can then begin typing the title of your document.
  3. When you are finished, either hit Enter or click anywhere in the document. The title of your document will automatically be saved.  


...share a document with someone

There are several advantages for using this feature of Office 365:

  • You and your classmates can collaboratively edit documents easily and seamlessly without the need for emailing separate files.
  • All revisions and changes are live and can be seen by anyone with whom the document has been shared. 
  • Several people can simultaneously edit a document.
  • Changes are automatically saved without the need to "hit the Save button."
  • A history of edits is automatically saved; users can view and revert back to any previous edits. 

Here's how to share:

  1. Select the file you want to share.
  2. Click the Share icon    . (If the document is already open, the icon will be in the upper right.)
  3. A box will open up. Start typing either the name or email address of the recipient. So long as that person is a student, faculty or staff of SFCC, their name will come up. Select it.  
  4. You can add more people if you want. You can also type a message.  
  5. Click Send 


...give your file a name

Make sure your document is open. Look in the very upper left of the screen for the word "Document." Click on "Document" and it will let you enter a name for the document. Once you've give it a name, there is no need to save it; you can just click anywhere in the document and the filename will auto-save.     

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