What is Office 365?
It's a cloud-based software product provided by Microsoft that allows you to create documents in Word, Excel and several other Microsoft Suite products.
Is it free? Do I have to buy it?
It's free. (Provided through the college to current students, faculty and staff.) No purchase necessary.
How do I start using it?
If you're on campus you can just log into any campus computer, then log into MySFCC. (Scroll down until you see the Office 365 icon.) If you want it installed on your laptop, computer or other device to use off-campus (home, etc.), you'll need to download and install it. Again, it's free. It's provided through SFCC's Office of Information Technology.
Does Office 365 play nice with Canvas? Can I upload/submit an Office 365 document to Canvas?
Yes. In fact, OIT is encouraging all students to use Office 365.
Do I need convert an Office 365 document to Word?
No. A Word document created using Office 365 is an actual Word document. It's basically the same thing, just the free, cloud version of Word.
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...Save your work
There is no need to save your work. It is saved automatically as you edit.
...create a hanging indent
...set line spacing
...set / adjust margins
...do a spell-check and word count
SPELL-CHECK: Click the Review tab, then Spelling & Grammar, then Spelling.
WORD COUNT: Click the Review tab, then Word Count.
If there's only a portion of text you're checking, just highlight that text, then follow the steps above.
...insert a page-break
...insert page numbers and Headers
PAGE NUMBERS: Click the Insert tab, then Page Numbers. Select the one that shows where you want the page number to be.
HEADER Click the Review tab. Click Insert, then Header & Footer.
...give the document a name / title
...share a document with someone
There are several advantages for using this feature of Office 365:
Here's how to share:
...give your file a name
Make sure your document is open. Look in the very upper left of the screen for the word "Document." Click on "Document" and it will let you enter a name for the document. Once you've give it a name, there is no need to save it; you can just click anywhere in the document and the filename will auto-save.