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Document Formatting Guide: Google Docs

How to set hanging indents, margins, etc.

Google Docs

What is Google Docs?

Google Docs is a free, web-based word-processing program offered by Google through Google Drive.

Video: Creating a Google Account (1:57)

Does it matter which browser I use, or do I need to use Chrome?

Google Docs is supported on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari.  

Video: Getting Started (1:25)

Does Google Docs play nice with Canvas? Can I upload/submit a Google Doc in Canvas?

Not really. (Plus, your instructor would first have to enable this capability, which most do not due to technical issues that often arise.) It's best to convert your Google Doc into a Word document. But this is very easy to do! 

So can I convert a Google Doc to Word  - and vice versa? 

To convert a Google Doc to a Word document, open the Google Doc you'd like to convert. Click "File" (upper left) and select Download as; then select "Microsoft Word."

Watch the Video  


To convert a Word document to a Google Doc, go into your Google Drive. Click "New" (upper left) and then select "File Upload." Your computer's Directory will open up and you will have an opportunity to Browse and find the file. Select it and click "Open" and after a few seconds, you'll see a message stating "1 upload complete."  

Watch the video

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...Save your work a spell-check and word count ...share a Google Doc with someone
...set a hanging indent ...insert a page-break ...get the Edit toolbar back (from Full Screen)
...set line spacing ...insert page numbers and Headers ...can you insert a running head in Google Docs?
...set / adjust margins ...give the document a name / title ...convert a Google Doc to a Word document

...Save your work
There is no need to save your work. It is saved automatically as you edit.


...create a hanging indent

There are two ways you can do this. Probably the easiest way is:

Use the Format Tab

  1. Highlight all of your citations.
  2. Select the Format tab. 
  3. Rest your cursor over Align & Indent, then select Indentation Options.
  4. Under "Special," select Hanging. (Make sure Left and Right each have a zero in them.)

You can also use the Ruler:

  1. Highlight all of your citations. 
  2. Look along the top of the page and you'll see the Ruler. Place your cursor on the blue upside-down triangle and drag it to the right however far you need to indent. (This is usually half an inch.)
  3. Now place your cursor over the small rectangle (above the upside-down triangle) and drag it back to the left to its original place; this will return the first line of text to its original margin placement. 

Watch the video


...set line spacing

Click the Line spacing icon  (upper right) and select the desired spacing.
If you've already started typing your document, select the text for which you want to change the spacing; then complete the above step. (If you want to change all of the text in the entire document, then select all the text by hitting Ctrl+A on a PC, or Shift+Command+Down Arrow on a Mac.)


...set / adjust margins

There are two ways you can do this. 

Click on File (upper left), then Page setup... (towards the bottom)

Look along the top of the page and you'll see the Ruler. Place your cursor on the blue upside-down triangle and drag it to the right however far you need to indent.

Watch the video a spell-check and word count

Click on the Tools tab and select Spelling or Word count


...insert a page-break

  1. Click your cursor in the place in your text where you want the page break to appear 
  2. Click the Insert tab
  3. Rest your cursor over Break, then select Page Break  


...insert page numbers and Headers

  1. Click the Insert tab 
  2. Rest your cursor over Header & page number
  3. Select Header; or, rest your cursor over Page number and select which placement you'd like 


...give the document a name / title

  1. If you have not given your document a title yet, your document will say Untitled document in the upper left. Click on those words and they will be highlighted.
  2. You can then begin typing the title of your document.
  3. When you are finished, either hit Enter or click anywhere in the document. The title of your document will automatically be saved.  


...share a Google Doc with someone

There are several advantages for using this feature of Google Docs:

  • You and your classmates can collaboratively edit documents easily and seamlessly without the need for emailing separate files.
  • All revisions and changes are live and can be seen by anyone with whom the document has been shared. 
  • Several people can simultaneously edit a document.
  • Changes are automatically saved without the need to "hit the Save button."
  • A history of edits is automatically saved; users can view and revert back to any previous edits. 

Here's how to share:

  1. Click the   icon (upper right). 
  2. When the Share with others box opens up, you can enter the email address(es) of those with whom you want to share. 
  3. Click the   icon to the right to set edit permissions for those individuals. 
  4. Click Send 

If someone has shared a document with you, you can find it by clicking on Shared with me (left-hand side). 


...get the Edit toolbar back (from Full Screen)

If you've hit Full Screen and want to get the Edit toolbar back, just hit the ESC (Escape) key (upper left of keyboard).  


...Can you insert a running head?

Sort of. It doesn't work exactly the same, but try this


...convert a Google Doc to a Word document
To convert a Google Doc to a Word document, open the Google Doc you'd like to convert. Click "File" (upper left) and select Download as; then select "Microsoft Word."

Watch the Video  


To convert a Word document to a Google Doc, go into your Google Drive. Click "New" (upper left) and then select "File Upload." Your computer's Directory will open up and you will have an opportunity to Browse and find the file. Select it and click "Open" and after a few seconds, you'll see a message stating "1 upload complete."  

Watch the video

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