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eBooks: How-To Guide: Search for eBooks

Search the "eBooks from EBSCO" Database

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Search eBooks from EBSCO

To get to the eBooks from EBSCO database:

  1. From the library homepage (, select All Databases and Periodicals
  2. Select A-Z Database List
  3. Click the letter "E" at the top of the page
  4. Select eBooks from EBSCO

If you are ON campus, you will be taken right into the database. If you are OFF campus, you will be prompted to enter your MySFCC login credentials. Once you log in, you will be taken into the database. 

The eBooks from EBSCO database is comprised solely of eBooks; any search conducted in this database will pull up only eBooks. 

Filter by Format (Discover Search Box)

If you have already started your search using the Discover Search Box (the teal-colored search box on the library's homepage) and you wish to see only eBooks in the Results, follow these steps. 

  1. From the Results List screen, scroll down until you see Filter by Format on the left-hand side.
  2. Check-mark the eBooks box.

The screen will automatically refresh to display only eBooks. 

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