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Citations: The Auk


The following are examples of the correct form of reference list entries for a variety of common sources. These examples should not be considered exhaustive, however.  If you are unsure how to cite a particular source, talk to your instructor or contact a librarian.

Literature Cited Examples

The bibliography should be titled Literature Cited.

Click here for an exhaustive example list. (Scroll down to Literature Cited.)

One author:

Smith (2001), or (Smith 2001)


Two authors:

Smith and Johnson (2001), or (Smith and Johnson 2001)


Two authors, separate publications:

(Maur 1998, Chessbaum 2004)


Three or more authors:

(Johnson et al. 2001)

The bibliography should be titled Literature Cited.

Click here for an exhaustive example list. (Scroll down to Literature Cited.)

Book with one author

Author last name, Author initial(s). Title (Year of publication). Publisher, City, State, Country.

Smith, A.A. Marine Mammal Biology (2000). Littlefield and Sons, Ithaca, New York, USA. 

Chapter in a book

Chapter author last name, chapter author initial(s) (year of publication). Title of chapter. In Title of Book (if there is an editor, their name would appear here as: initials, Last name, Editor). Publisher, City, State, Country. 

Smith, A. A. (2000). Incidental capture of a harbour seal. In Marine Mammal Biology (B. B. Johnson, Editor). Littlefield and Sons, Ithaca, NY, USA. 

The bibliography should be titled Literature Cited.

Click here for an exhaustive example list. (Scroll down to Literature Cited.) 

Author last name, initial(s)., Author2 initial(s)., Author2 Last name, and Author3 initial(s)., Author3 Last name (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal volume number:page range. 

Smith, A. A., B. B. Johnson, and C. C. Moore (2012). Incidental capture of a harbour porpoise: Examining toxicity of stomach contents. Journal of Marine Mammal Biology 103:789–823.


The bibliography should be titled Literature Cited.

Click here for an exhaustive example list. (Scroll down to Literature Cited.)

Website or web page

Author last name, Author initial(s) (Year of publication). Title of web document. Title of website. Name of publishing organization. url. 

Smith, A. A. (2000). Migration patterns of the Minke whale. Newfoundland Fisheries and Wildlife. Royal Society of Marine Mammal Studies. http://url.   

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