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Citations: Citation Help

Two Common Citation Styles: MLA vs. APA

Although there are many citations styles, the two most commonly used are:

  • MLA (Modern Language Association)
    Used in the Humanities, especially in English literature, such as Composition and Rhetoric courses. 
  • APA (American Psychological Association)
    Used in the Social Sciences and other fields, such as education, business, and nursing.

Why cite?

Doing research in college is about investigating and adding your voice to the scholarly conversation with your paper/article/study.

By citing whatever sources (article, blog, website, etc.) you used to write your paper, you're recognizing the hard work of others. You should cite the source (in-text AND in your bibliography page) every time you use the authors' exact wording (a "quotation") or if you put their ideas into your own words (paraphrasing).

Don't forget that you also have to cite images, graphs and videos!

Any questions? Ask your instructor, or contact a librarian.

Citation Generator Tools & Guides

Most of the library databases have a built-in citation tool! 
These citation tools are a great way to get your Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) page started, but always double-check that the information and formatting are correct. For assistance with feel free to either reach out to a librarian or consult the following sites: 

  • Excelsior OWL: MLA  |  APA 
  • OWL at Purdue: MLA  |  APA

Once you have accessed the article or eBook in a library database, look to the right (sometimes along the top) of the screen; you should see one of these citation help icons or something similar.   


Click it and your fully-generated citation will appear; you can then copy-and-paste it into your bibliography.

DID YOU KNOW?? Most databases will generate a ready-made citation for you. Here's how:

Need to cite an Internet source or other source not accessed through a library database? Try one of these citation generation tools. These citation generators are a great way to get your works cited page started for internet sources, but always double-check that the formatting is correct.


Citation Machine


KnightCite Citation Service 

Word/Office 365 has a citation creator feature. Although you, the user, must manually enter all elements, you may still find it useful. Below is a link to a short article which outlines, along with screenshots, how to use this feature. 

Citation Handbooks

The following books are physically located at the library. Use the Call Number to find them, or...ask a librarian - we're happy to help! 

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