The SFCC library has lots of great places to study. We offer study rooms, an area of quiet study, computer study areas, and group study areas. We even have some hidden nooks you can find and call your own. We have outlets throughout the space, so you can come to the library, plugin, study, and relax. Below are some pictures of study areas in the library.
The library's main room is not a quiet space and allows for group study. In this space you are also near the library's circulation desk where you can ask questions and get help with any research project on which you may be working.
The back of the library is dedicated to quiet study space. There are great places to sit along the windows. If you want to focus, the study carrels are great places and include numerous outlets in each carrel for computers and phones.
The library has desktop computers throughout the space. Use your SFCC credentials to log on.
The library has three study rooms. Check out the key to each study room at the library's circulation desk. There are no reservations for these spaces. You can use the rooms for up to two hours.
The Family Study Room is available to SFCC students who have children they are caring for. The room includes computers and many things to keep kids busy. Students must remain with their children while they are using the room. For full information about using the space visit this link.
There are comfortable seating areas to be found throughout the library. Come over to the library and find your own favorite area.