SFCC students – students currently enrolled in credit-bearing classes with library account in good standing.
SFCC Faculty – instructors under current contract with library account in good standing.
SFCC Staff – current employees with library account in good standing.
Passport – students from other institutions of higher education with a valid NMCAL passport for the current semester.
Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe (LVSF) - tutors and students with an enrollment card for current semester from the LVSF office and a photo ID will be issued an SFCC library card.
Master's School Staff
All Items are due at the end of each semester. Students, faculty, and staff may check out library resources during the interim periods once the current semester is over. For students, proof of enrollment for the upcoming semester is required.
Loan Limits
SFCC faculty, staff, and students, may check out up to twenty (20) items at a time. SFCC AE/ESL/LVSF borrowers may check out up to four (4) items at a time. Of these items, up to three (3) may be DVDs. Passport borrowers may check out 4 items at a time and are limited print items.
Patrons who continually violate due dates will have restricted borrowing privileges limiting the number of items they can check out.
Type of materials |
Holds Allowed |
Students |
Faculty & Staff |
Passports |
General Collection/ Oversized Books |
yes |
28 days |
28 days |
14 days |
14 days |
DVDs |
yes |
28 days |
28 days |
14 days |
No |
Audiobooks/ CDs |
yes |
28 days |
28 days |
14 days |
No |
Reserve Items |
no |
Library use only (2 Hours) |
Class Period* |
Library use only (2 Hours) |
No |
Periodicals |
n/a |
Library use only |
Library use only |
Library use only |
Library use only |
Special Collection DVDs |
yes, for faculty |
Library use only (2 Hours) |
3 days* |
Library use only (2 Hours) |
Library use only (2 Hours) |
Special Collections |
n/a |
Library use only, under supervision of a Librarian |
Library use only, under supervision of a Librarian |
Library use only, under supervision of a Librarian |
Library use only, under supervision of a Librarian |
Electronic Online Books, Films and Journals |
n/a | yes | yes | Library use only | Library use only |
Laptops and Hotspots |
no | Policy set by OIT | Library use only | no | no |
Interlibrary Loan Materials |
n/a |
5 outstanding ILL requests at a time. Borrowing period depends on lending library and format. |
5 outstanding ILL requests at a time. Borrowing period depends on lending library and format. |
no |
no |
No daily overdue fines are assessed for SFCC materials. All library privileges will be revoked if an item is not returned or a lost book fine is not paid, and students will not be able to register for classes or access their grades.
Patrons who continually violate due dates will have restricted borrowing privileges limiting the number of items they can check out.
Appeals of Charges:
Library charges may be appealed to the Collections and Instruction Librarian if library charges are contested, mistakenly assessed, or extenuating circumstances warrant reduction or cancellation of the charges. Appeals should be made within 30 calendar days of the charge.
A notice of overdue items is sent as a courtesy reminder. Non-receipt of an overdue notice is not an exemption from fines or charges. It is a patron’s responsibility to assure that a current email and mailing address are in her/his College record. Appeals may be made in person, by email, or in writing.
The Collections and Instruction Librarian’s decision may be appealed to the Library Director within two weeks of receipt of the initial decision. The Library Director will make a decision within two weeks of receipt of the appeal.
Reasons generally not regarded as valid for canceling or reducing charges:
SFCC students, faculty, and staff may place holds on most items from the Library’s collection. A patron who wishes to borrow an item checked out to another patron may request that that item be put on hold by contacting the Library's Front Desk either in person or on the phone. When the item is returned, the Library will set it aside for the patron at the Library's Front Desk and notify the patron it is on hold. The Library will hold items for one week.
The Library will not pull items for patrons. Patrons must retrieve their own items from the shelves.
Patrons will be charged the replacement cost for an item if it is returned with damage or has been lost. Patrons may provide the Library with a replacement in lieu of payment at the discretion of the Collections & Instruction Librarian.
The Library will send courtesy reminders for overdue materials. However, it remains the sole responsibility of the borrower to return materials on time. Failure to receive an overdue reminder, for whatever reason, does not remove this responsibility.
If an item becomes overdue, the patron will receive an email reminding him/her to return it to the Library as soon as possible. The patron may also receive a phone call if the Library has correct contact information. Please ensure your contact information with SFCC is up to date and check your SFCC email address frequently. Patrons with overdue items may not check out any other materials, except Reserve items, which must remain in the Library.
If an item is 1 week overdue, the patron will receive an emailed overdue notice with a warning about potential future consequences.
If an item is 2 weeks overdue, the patron will receive another emailed overdue notice further explaining the consequences of continued inaction. At this point, patrons with overdue items may have holds placed on their College accounts that prevent them from registering from future classes.
If an item is 3 weeks overdue, the patron receives another email overdue notice warning that there is only 1 week left before a replacement bill and an overdue fine of $10 per item is assessed.
If an item is 4 weeks overdue, the item becomes eligible for replacement. A bill will be generated for the full replacement cost of the item, as well as to a $10 processing fee. In addition, a hold is placed on the patron’s College accounts; patrons with holds are not allowed to register for classes, check grades, or request transcripts. The patron will receive a final email notifying him/her of the hold and fine. If an overdue item is returned after this point, the replacement and processing fees will be canceled and the hold on College accounts removed.
If an item is eligible for replacement (i.e., it is 4 or more weeks overdue), it may or may not be replaced at the discretion of the Library Director. If a replacement is purchased by the Library, then the delinquent patron is responsible for the replacement cost and a $10 processing fee, regardless of whether the item is subsequently returned. In this instance, the patron may be allowed to keep the original copy.
If a patron loses an item and wishes to replace it him/herself, the replacement fee may be cancelled, but a $10 processing fee will still be owed.
If a patron has paid for the replacement and processing of a lost book, and then returns the lost book within 6 months of payment, the Library may issue a refund. The Library cannot refund payments after 6 months. Refunds are at the discretion of the Library staff and will not be considered if a replacement item has already been purchased.
Patrons who continually violate due dates, will have restricted borrowing privileges, limiting the number of items they can check out.
An SFCC ID is required for all checkouts and renewals for all members of the SFCC community.
SFCC ID cards and circulation privileges are not transferable. They are intended for use only by the person in whose name they were issued. Patrons are responsible for items checked-out on their ID as well as any fees incurred; this responsibility cannot be transferred.
An item that is checked out may be recalled if that item is needed for class, especially if the item is needed for Reserve. A patron will have 24 hours to return a recalled item once the recall has been issued. A hold will be placed on the patron's College accounts after 24 hours if the item is not returned. In addition, the Library may bill the patron for an unreturned, recalled item.
If a Library item is not overdue or on hold for another patron, a renewal request may be made by phone or in person at the Library's Front Desk. Items may be renewed twice.
SFCC materials must be returned at the Library's Front Desk or one of the book drops on campus. All materials should be returned on time to avoid incurring fines and holds on accounts.