Please visit our public home page for access to our electronic resources.
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 10am - 2pm
Sat - Sun: CLOSED
Email us:
Contact the Library's Front Desk at (505) 428-1352. Ask a research question at (505) 428-1234.
The library follows the SFCC campus closure schedule. If the campus is closed, the library is also closed.
Here are guides we have created specifically to assist you and your students.
Instruction Sessions
You can request an instruction session by:
We can tailor sessions to your needs. We design sessions that meet students where they are in the research process. Tell us how much time you have allotted for the presentation, what you’d like covered, and we’ll create a presentation that fits! Instruction sessions utilize iPads and a combination of active learning activities, lecture, and discussion for a hands-on experience.
Sarah Hood is the lead Librarian for instruction sessions. Contact her at or (505) 428-1830.
Placing Items on Reserve
Reserve items can be a desk copy of the textbook (provided by instructor) or supplemental readings/ videos you want your students to have access to. Reserve items do not leave the library and may only be checked out for 2 hours.
To place an item on reserve by: