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Library Services: Interlibrary Loan

Learn about Interlibrary Loan, instruction requests, reference, and course reserves.


Interlibrary Loan is available to current SFCC students, faculty, and staff only.  Adjunct faculty and continuing education faculty must have a current and processed contract.

Borrowing patrons must have a current SFCC ID and their Library account must be in good standing.

Patrons may have 5 outstanding ILL requests at a time.  ILLs are checked out to the patron and will count in the 10 item limit on an account.

Delivery times are generally 7-10 business days.  The Library strives to provide the shortest possible time from request to item availability but an availability date to the patron is not guaranteed.

The SFCC Library will not process Interlibrary Loan borrowing requests for book or other physical materials during the last 3 weeks of the semester; requests for articles may still be processed.

  • Any material found in any lending library is potentially available.
  • Books, government documents, theses, music, and videos may be borrowed, depending on the lending library’s policies.  Please note: videos, theses and dissertations can be difficult to borrow, as many libraries will not lend them.
  • Items checkout out from the SFCC Library may be requested.
  • Materials for Course Reserve
  • Required course texts for current classes
  • Periodical volumes
  • Bulky or fragile items
  • Reference books
  • Rare or valuable material such as manuscripts

In general, there is no charge for Interlibrary Loan services.  On rare occasions a lending library may charge for an item.  Patrons will be asked if they are willing to incur the charge before SFCC Library will borrow that item.

Patrons will be charged for any material lost or damaged while in their possession; SFCC Library billing and hold procedures will be followed.

When Interlibrary Loan items arrive, notification will be sent via e-mail or phone, and items will be available for pick up at the Library Front Desk.  Any materials not picked up by the patron within 7 days will be returned to the lending library.

  • The loan period is determined by the lending library.  If the lending library allows a renewal the patron can contact the Interlibrary Loan Librarian to request a renewal.  The date due and the renewal policy will be noted on the book strap or book label.
  • All Interlibrary Loan materials must be returned to the Library Front Desk by the due date, not deposited in a book drop.
  • Late return, lost, or the poor care of materials jeopardizes the ability of the Library to borrow from other libraries in the future, therefore this Interlibrary Loan policy is strictly enforced.
  • A fine of $2.00 per day will be incurred for each overdue Interlibrary Loan item.  Bills will be placed on a patron’s library record and holds will be placed on College accounts for unpaid fees.
  • SFCC Library reserves the right to deny Interlibrary Loan borrowing privileges for a semester to any patron who does not return materials on time or who damages or loses materials.  If a patron does not return items on time again, Interlibrary Loan privileges may be permanently lost.

Lending libraries determine any conditions regarding the use of their materials.  Loans designated as “In Library Use Only” must not leave the SFCC Library.


SFCC Library will lend materials to other libraries as usage for our community allows.

SFCC Library will not lend the following materials:

  • Non-circulating materials such as Reference Books, Rare Books, and Archival items
  • Special Collection DVDs
  • Course Reserves

SFCC Library will bill borrowing libraries for items lost or damaged.

SFCC Library reserves the right to suspend lending to institutions who do not return loaned materials or who return damaged items.

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